Our Values
When we talk about our values, we mean those things that are really important to us as we do life together as a church family.
Core Values
The Bible: We believe in the inerrancy and final authority of Scripture. We consider it our foundation and actively seek to apply its teachings in our daily lives. We want to be a people transformed by the Word, not just informed. Our teaching is based in and aligned with Scripture.
Spirit Empowerment: We believe that the gifts in Scripture are available to believers today and we expect the Holy Spirit to be active among us. We count on Him to move in power in our gatherings as well as in our daily lives.
Grace: The gospel of grace is central to our church and teaching. Grace permeates all aspects of our lives together. We accept one another entirely on the basis of grace, not on performance.
Church Life
Discipleship: We desire for everyone to know, love, and obey Jesus. As followers of Jesus Christ, we are becoming like Him, and are discipling others to do the same. Discipleship means being shaped by the Holy Spirit in all areas of life.
Worship & Prayer: We love God’s presence. We worship God in every aspect of our lives, and we gather to bring God glory through enthusiastic praise and adoration. We welcome the gifts of the Holy Spirit and contributions from the whole body, so that the church may be built up. We believe that prayer is the engine of the church, in that it releases God’s power in our midst and drives all that we do.
A Richly Diverse Family: The church is God’s family where all can find where we belong. As we meet both publicly and in homes, we desire to cultivate honest and close familial relationships. This family is where the rich diversity of every ethnicity, race, language, culture, and generation can be truly reflected and celebrated, as we come together as brothers and sisters in Christ. We are committed to serve one another and care for each other in ways that demonstrate the love of Jesus.

Together on Mission: We are a church shaped by an apostolic and prophetic mission to extend the Kingdom of God locally and globally. We believe we can do more together than we can apart, so we partner with a global family of churches called Confluence (which is part of the Newfrontiers family) to work together on mission with others from around the world.
Justice & Mercy: We are passionate about our mission, engaging with all sectors of society, especially the poor and the marginalized. We want to be salt and light, advocating for justice and demonstrating God’s mercy to the community around us and beyond.
To the Ends of the Earth: Jesus commissioned His church to make disciples of all nations. We fully embrace the truth that the gospel is good news for all, regardless of race, culture, language, age, gender, and socioeconomic status; and we desire to see God’s Kingdom advance in our local community as well as the nations of the world.
Servant Leadership: Jesus is the perfect example of servant leadership, and we seek to emulate Him. We believe church leaders must set an example by being humble, transparent, and approachable. Leadership exists to multiply ministry, not monopolize it.
Team Leadership: The New Testament Church models team leadership. One person does not have all the gifts to lead, so in every facet of our church body we practice team leadership. We have elders who serve each congregation supported by a central team of qualified men and women.
Five-fold Ministries: We believe apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers are given by God to bring the church into maturity and equip men and women for service. We invite input from these ministries in our local church, as well as through our wider family of churches, called Newfrontiers.
Please click HERE to download a copy of our Statement of Faith