Our Family of Churches
We named our church after the family of churches that we belong to. Newfrontiers is a growing group of apostolic leaders partnering together on global mission, joined by common values and beliefs, shared mission, and genuine relationships. Consisting of around 5,000 churches, working with different apostolic leaders in over 80 nations, you can find out more about Newfrontiers at NewfrontiersTogether.org.
In North America, we partner with a Newfrontiers sphere of around 40 churches that identify as Confluence Churches. For more information go to Confluencechurches.org.
Here in the Northeast, we are also privileged to be a ‘hub’ church that helps to serve a number of Newfrontiers churches in Boston, Providence, NYC, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. We work in close relationship with each other, believing we can accomplish more together than we can apart.
The name ‘New Frontiers’ reflects our vision as we seek to reach New England with the gospel, planting new churches in a region that has been called the 'new frontier' of missions in America. But "new frontiers" is not restricted to the United States. Our vision, in line with the biblical mandate, is also to make disciples of the 'unreached' people groups of the world, who truly represent the new frontiers of world mission.